Files & Share

Within an order, in the right panel we have Documents, Activity and Chat. This panel is one of the most important parts, as it allows us to attach documents, view the activity log, and chat with order members.


Once opened, we have different options for modifications and functionalities. In the center of the window, clicking on it we can attach files. Above the central box we have the "Edit" button, where we can modify the name of the document.

Good to know: Any type of document will translated for fix with the programme.

On the other side, on the right side we have 3 tabs: Conversation, Share and Activity.

Document validation

Once we have attached a document, we can validate the veracity of it by validating it between the players of an order. We can do it from our mobile entering in the web of or we can scan the QR code that will appear once we click on the "validate" button.

As issuer of the validation, we click on the validate button, then a window will appear with all the members. We can choose the degree of security or validity we want. We have:

  • Level 1: It is simple and free, it does not require any complex operation.

  • Level 2: Validation with the mobile phone using IPFS (Blockchain).

  • Level 3: Validation with a digital identity using NFT.


In the Share tab, we find a list with the names of our spaces. We can share this document with a specific member, in this way, only those member(s) have access to that document. They can write on the chat or change the attachment.

Last updated