
The user will be able to create templates that could customize to adapt it to specific processes. Being able to edit details, choose the type of actors involved, use different types of customizable fields, add documents, create and add functionalities.

Example: An example of a process that can be adapted in a template is the shipping of containers, whose requirements for this type of order would be set in the template.

Create a template

Once created, an empty template will open where we must shape it. We create epics, documents and spaces necessary for our order.

Good to know: We can use a template for many orders.

Visualize a template

A sidebar will appear with a some template's information, as a number of documents and epics, name and the created date.

On the other hand, the user has a search bar located at the top of the panel, where he can search for each template by code, name or description. In the same way, it also has filtering options, pressing on the title of each field.

Edit a template

Delete or Archive a template

Hold up! When you delete a template, all content from this template will be removed immediately. This canโ€™t be undone

Hold up! When you archive a template, itโ€™s archived for everyone. That means If there are people from other organizations in this template, they will be removed.

Global Templates

They are templates created by default. Within the panel, we can import these templates to our Workstation.

Last updated