
A Workstation is a space (created by a user or a guest) in which a user has access to all the functionalities of the platform. You will be able to create unlimited workstations according to your activity or operations. In each workstation, you can manage different companies or roles.

Example: Like an exporter company, you can create workstations called Air Operations / Maritime Operations or Ground Operations.

Create a Workstation

When you are inside your account, you can see a button called "Create another workstation". When you press the button, appears 2 fields: Workstation Title and Workstation Details.

Hold up! You can not change the name and description of workstation once you created

Verification Code

Once you created a new workstation, you will receive an email with 5 numbers to verify your account. You must insert this numbers into a Workstation screen. When you complete this step, you can access to the Dashboard of you Workstation.

Access to a Workstation

In a very similar way to the procedure for creating a new workspace, the user will be able to choose which space they want to access at any time.

If we have an account and receive an invitation to a workstation, it will appear in the list of pending workstations. Only by clicking on "Join", we access the workstation.


Last updated